They warn of the increase in mental disorders in children and adolescents

imagen salud mental

According to an analysis, 95% of pediatricians have detected this increase in cases in their consultations One of the main problems of the increase in disorders is the use of screens, according to pediatricians The president of the SPI assures that more professionals are needed for child and adolescent mental health The Spanish Association of … Read more

What will healthcare be like in Spain? Primary care, technology and mental health at the center of the challenges

What will healthcare be like in Spain? Primary care, technology and mental health at the center of the challenges

Guaranteeing the sustainability of public health, the challenges posed by psychiatric care and the new tools available to professionals were discussed at the start of the conference ‘The health of the future: innovation and trends’, organized by elDiario .es with the participation of experts and professionals and in which the Minister of Health, Mónica García, … Read more